Limited edition 12" 45 rpm 180 gram LP (100 copies only) & hi-res download

chosen by DownBeat Magazine as one of their best albums of 2022


Equality - Compassion - Liberation

Franklin Kiermyer - drums
Davis Whitfield - piano
Emilio Modeste - tenor saxophone
Otto Gardner - bass

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the act of emancipation is "to free from restraint, control, or the power of another, especially : to free from bondage or to free from any controlling influence (such as traditional mores or beliefs)."

According to Wikipedia, "Emancipation is any effort to procure economic and social rights, political rights or equality, often for a specifically disenfranchised group, or more generally, in discussion of such matters”

These definitions speak to the bondage imposed by others, vivid proof of our need of compassion. Emancipation can also mean to free our spirit, soul or true nature. To free ourselves from the concepts and habits that hold us back is to be fully emancipated. That freeing-of-the-soul is music’s greatest purpose.

"Scatter The Atoms That Remain Calls For Universal Freedoms Such As It Enacts." ~ DownBeat Magazine

with Isaiah Collier & Nat Reeves
more information

A Match Made In Heaven of Cosmic Souls Riding The SunShip Together As One


the 2024 Java Jazz Festival in Jakarta, Indonesia
with Special Guest RANDY BRECKER


Scatter the Atoms that Remain - Live!

Spirit and magic - what lies beyond mere intellect. The soul - the heart - the qualities that set us free ... this transformative power of music is what SCATTER THE ATOMS THAT REMAIN is all about. Music can open our hearts. That’s the purpose of this band. Our goal is to rest in that openness and let go. The more we practice this, the more our natural faith develops. The music finds its strength in that. That’s what we want to share.

You can hear for yourselves and feel it too - this music is new - not like anything else. What it does is palpable. That’s the point - what it does - how it makes you feel. It causes an opening to occur. Like faithful prayer, seance and ritual, but not religious . . . Spiritual. 

Those in the know see where it’s coming from, those that are brave see where it’s going. The spirited are moved beyond thought. That’s its purpose. Fearless and uncompromising, this music is deeply rooted in our shared ancestry.

The legacy that all but went South after the 60’s went underground, but never disappeared. The bar was raised so high, no one could get there. Young musicians that were so deeply compelled by Supreme Love and the Sun Ship had to follow another stream to take the edge off, or they turned away from tonality and pulse, hoping to ascend by speaking in tongues. As many have said, neither succeeded.
Scatter The Atoms That Remain does.

SCATTER THE ATOMS THAT REMAIN Redefines Transformative Spiritual Music

"... a sense of shared catharsis through music that is at once majestic, ferocious, and relatable ... the words “ecstasy” and “ecstatic” appear almost predictably, but sometimes a word is just right. Scatter The Atoms That Remain channel the kind of beautiful, disciplined intensity exemplified by the late John Coltrane. This type of universal, non-denominational spirituality simply feels good." ~ Jazz At Lincoln Center

drummer, composer & bandleader

Since recording the iconic album Solomon’s Daughter with Pharaoh Sanders in 1994, drummer, composer and bandleader Franklin Kiermyer has been known mostly for his expansive style of drumming, distinct sound and the spiritual focus of his music.

“The function of our music - its true purpose - is fulfilled when everyone feels strong, free and unafraid to jump into the unknown, leaving behind what holds us back. That experience is what Scatter The Atoms That Remain is all about. Our music changes people.” - Franklin Kiermyer

“Kiermyer plays and composes with an almost evangelical belief in jazz as a form of pure inspiration.” - Entertainment Weekly

“Drummer Franklin Kiermyer is that rare jazzman – blessed with the ecstatic quality of his free-bop attack.” - Rolling Stone Magazine

“Kiermyer supercharges spiritual modality … he plays with volcanic authority ... generating multiple simultaneous pools of percussive activity that bubble and burst like lava pits ... his skins perhaps a touch tighter than Elvin’s, his cymbals slightly brighter, his demands of heroic response just as dramatic.

Scatter the Atoms That Remain calls for universal freedoms such as it enacts.” - DownBeat Magazine


“This is music of unity and self-determination using true intelligence - beyond the intellect - to break free of intellect's own constraints. This is the path of love.

It's like a prism. When you look through a prism's different facets, you are actually looking at the same focal point, although each angle seems a variant. You can hear our music from each of the musician's perspectives and you are in fact hearing the whole through each one, but heard from a unique cardinal direction, each following the singular ray or wave back to the central focal point. One is all and all is one. The unity is the diversity and the diversity is the unity.

I am committed to a path of uncovering my heart. When I go deeper than intellect, the love shines on its own and is automatically shared with everyone. Until I am there all the time, I need help. Putting my feelings into words and having these wonderful artists share them is a way I can open up my path to others now.

Autonomy of the will is a law unto itself, independent of the influence of other objects of volition. Self-determination is the tool to break free of gravity." - Franklin Kiermyer

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